How to participate in the Contributors Circle of B.Protocol?

5 min readMar 30, 2022


Maybe to help refresh the memory of veteran participants and to introduce the concept to new members who haven’t yet participated in the B.Protocol Contributors Circle: here’s a short overview of the Trello+Coordinape (Trello = deprecated, details below) workflow as it was operating until now.

NEWS 05/22: We’re happy to announce that the Trello board has been retired and been replaced by DeWork:


Important: Make sure to sign up in Dework with your Discord and then link the same wallet address that you provided to join the Coordinape Circle (same wallet address as in Coordinape)

DeWork is a modern solution to collaborative workflow, similar to Trello, but more advanced and tailored to our needs (in the Contributors Circle). Thanks go to TragedyStruck for setting it up & get us going! TY

Furthermore, you will notice that every Circle Member is OPTED OUT in Coordinape at start of a new Epoch. That only means, that before the end of each Epoch, you got to manually OPT-IN to receive rewards (you are absolutely eligible to OPT IN as Contributor). (see image #2, below)

Since we’re using DeWork for the first time in the Contributors Circle (as of Epoch #4), questions may arise which we’ll be happy to hear, in #growth-ideas Discord channel. TY (end NEWS 05/22)

In short

We have a DeWork dashboard (a dApp to manage tasks — very intuitive), where community members can claim a task s/he thinks is valuable. This task can be executed by the claimant. After a task is completed, it will automatically be put up on the Coordinape (synced via DeWork integration). Members (givers) can allocate GIVEs (scoring system of Coordinape) to them according to their evaluation of the contribution.

Each Epoch, 1000 $BPRO tokens will be distributed to contributors pro-rata to their GIVE allocation. JOIN HERE, WITH THIS LINK:

Important: Make sure to sign up in DeWork with your Discord and then link the same wallet address that you provided to join the Coordinape Circle (same wallet address as in Coordinape)

To join Coordinape send your Ethereum address (in Discord) to Austrian_Guy or to Eitan, a7om or TragedyStruck who are currently the Coordinape admins to add you to the circle (Once Austrian_Guy joins he will get an admin role as well probably; Mar 29 2022: has been granted).

You might want to introduce yourself (can be short and non-formal: give some background on yourself and why you think you are fit for this role, and maybe a very general work plan on what you are going to contribute) and/or catch up on “How Project Growth Team began”, here, in the forum thread:

MORE IN-DETAIL, STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE on how to take your place in the team

Once you have set up your DeWork, you’ll be presented with the ‘B.Protocol’ Dashboard (see image #1).

img #1: dework dApp dashboard
  • You’ll notice there are groups of topics visibly present (see diagram #1, safe link to view:
    ° Reaching out to influencers and growing the list of influencers (gathering contact info, their content channels, chosen focus on topics they create content for)
    ° proposals to specific third party protocols to integrate B.Protocol
    ° connecting with DAOs to start conversation about depositing a portion of funds into b.protocol-connected troves (i.e. via B.Protocol integrations in third party protocols), case studies of existing integrations & testimonials
    ° Educational content on B.Protocol (explainer videos, news on collaborations, news on B.Protocol’s development of its protocol, tracking of blogs/docs covering B.Protocol & more)
    ° Discord server improvements (bot to track liquidations, Discord category/channel/channel roles management, creating Discord FAQ content & more)
    ° Web GUI improvements development (Liquidations Dashboard)
    ° User & community retention/engagement tools (issuing POAPs & more)
    ° Social Media engagement (Twitter, Telegram, social media postings & more)
    ° Translation services into other languages
diagram #1
  • Once you selected an interesting task, click on it to learn more details and guidance/instructions/specifications. By clicking “Claim Task”, you will be assigned to it by DeWork and can start working.
  • Make sure you summarize what you’ve been working on (unfinished work, work-in-progress as well!) within the task(s), so all members (givers) can see and allocate GIVE to you (after review). DeWork will sync your finished tasks in Coordinape upon completion. (you may enter additional data and info in the form field if you deem fit, see image #2). Pro-Tip: Follow the Discord, as there will be reminders nearing the end of each Epoch.
  • Congratulations, welcome to the Circle and many thanks for your cooperation!
img #2: Coordinape GIVE allocation

*version history*
1.00 first draft, Eitan’s input with added detailed step-by-step and visual aid
1.01 Austrian_Guy was granted admin-role Coordinape. Added passage that at the end of each epoch the circle chef/admin/coordinator will summarize the contributions to make sure all the GIVEers know who/what they can allocate their GIVEs to
1.02 ‘To join Coordinape send your Ethereum address’ — put Austrian_Guy first, so requests can be managed in sequence; also, added Discord Server links
1.03 news of dework integration and set-up, replacing the Trello board (start of May 2022). Updated links to join (dework) and details of how to sync Discord account with dework (important, because dework operates with the roles in Discord servers). Updated info that same wallet address has to be connected in dework as in Coordinape (to be eligible for receiving rewards after the end of Epochs). Shorted the “in-depth”-section of this guide to accomodate dework replacing the Trello board (deprecated).



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